Thursday, October 23, 2008

Politics and you

Alright I've got a point to make. Anybody got a soap box? No matter, I'll start without it.
Some people are dumb. I'm not going to say it's democrats in general, because some do vote blue because they truly think after much deliberation that it will be the best vote to cast. I am also not going to deny that there are dumb republicans out there, too. Some people vote one way or the other because that's the way their daddy told them to vote, or because all their friends are doing it, not because they've actually sat down and deciphered the differences and came to a conclusion about the fate of their vote. Some people decided long ago, maybe based off of research, who to vote for, and carry that with them election to election and think that the party makes the person so that the person they voted for originally must necessarily have the same values and game plan as each subsequent party nominee. Well let me say this again: SOME PEOPLE ARE DUMB!
I know the theory is flawed and elitist, but there are just some people I don't want voting. Like dumb people. The people that the nation is trying to get to vote are people who have not voted before or have not voted very often. I say, if they don't want to vote, don't make them feel pressured into casting a vote they are not sure about. They will make their choice off of who they think will win, or rumors they've heard about either candidate, not based off of the platforms of either candidate. There are certain groups of people pushing for the ability for felons to vote. Why? Because they will bring more democrat votes to the table. Really? You want a convicted felon picking who will be your next commander in chief? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Someone without the common sense enough to know not to steal something, someone with the amount of moral decency that allows them to kill someone for their shoes, someone with the screw-you-I-only-care-about-myself, what-can-you-do-for-me kind of attitude that America is just SO in need of. WHY would you want them to vote? Now maybe you are of the opinion that regardless of how they come to their conclusion about which way to vote, they have rights just like the rest of us, and they have the right to vote for someone who will affect their lives in prison as a president theoretically does. Well you're stupid. Don't vote. People who are in prison have been tried and convicted by a panel of their peers and sent to prison. Once you break a law, a set of rules, a minimum standard, that people are required to live by in order to be free in this country, you are no longer entitled to all the things that the nation promises, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Because you broke the rules, you aren't covered anymore. Kind of like if you're an illegal immigrant, you don't subscribe to our rules, you broke a big one the first time you set foot in the country, and you aren't (or shouldn't be) protected under our laws. To go with a better analogy, if you torch your house, insurance wont pay you. You subscribe to their policy and are protected under it, but if you screw yourself over and break the rules of said policy, you aren't protected under it anymore. Yes, you've paid the bill all these years for the coverage, you've paid taxes for this coverage, but you torched your own house, you broke a rule, you broke the law and were convicted. They owe you NOTHING. And the government gets to charge you with insurance fraud or something of the like and you are entitled to even less. That's the way things work in this country. It's what's required to keep order, and safety is one thing that a nation is required to give it's people. A nation that can't protect it's people is not much of a country at all. So if you are still a proponent of felons voting, let me make this one last argument, and hopefully if you are even the slightest bit open minded, you will realize the validity of what I write. You might still think that voting is a right that shouldn't be taken away from anyone, regardless of what they've done in the past. That it is another of those inalienable rights. Well like I said before, once you break the law, you are no longer protected like a law abiding citizen, and some rights are taken away from you, among them voting and liberty. Now wait a minute here. Liberty....isn't that one of those inalienable rights? Why, yes it is. But you wouldn't want to give them that right back, would you? Do you really think that a serial killer should still have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Well no, I think that they should be put behind bars. They aren't entitled to the right of liberty anymore. I doubt you disagree. So if it is okay to take away that right, why is it so horribly wrong to take away his ability to have a say in the fate of all the law abiding citizens? Why should they have to operate under what the felons, with their screwed up sense of right and wrong, think is best? Sounds idiotic to me. This is also where the argument for the death penalty comes from, but we won't get into that right now, I still have some other points to make.

Ok so felons shouldn't vote. Where's she going with this next? Well I'll tell you where. Poor people. Black people. The like. WOW! She really didn't just say that, did she? Ah but I did, and this is where the weaker, but still, in my mind, viable argument comes in. And yes, part of it is elitist, and yes, I realize it's something I'll have to live with and be resigned to just bitching about it every four years or so. Poor people, in general, are poor for a reason. Now don't jump my ass here and angrily tell me that you just got laid off from your job and it's Bush's fault and you didn't mismanage your money, blah, blah, blah. I recognize there are exceptions here, and that's why I said in general. I'm talking about the poor people that are like 3rd and 4th generation welfare, that have to go to shelters for food but can afford expanded cable in their apartments. I'm talking about the people living in trailers with 7 kids and pregnant again because they should be able to have sex when they want and not have to wear a condom and make the taxpayers pay for them and their reproductive habit. People...don't have sex unless you can afford it. PLEASE. It's not fair to me to have to pay for your kid to have diapers when I have to pay for my own kid to have diapers as well. As far as black people, again, I'm not talking about every black person. There are alot out there, in fact, that I'm not talking about. I'm talking about the ones who still think they should get paid for their great great grandfathers having to pick cotton. Ya, it sucks and no, it definitely shouldn't have happened and I'm more than disappointed that slavery is a part of American history. But that's just it. It's history. You weren't hurt. You're just trying to get paid for doing nothing because your great great grandpa deserved to be paid out the wazoo. Get a job. It might seem harsh, but life can't all be sugar coated feel-good. Sometimes people need to be slapped upside the head and told that they are a drain on society and I'm not going to work my ass off and pay taxes so they can laze around watching tv and having sex and kids on Uncle Sam's dime. Seem messed up to you? So more so than poor people in general, or black people in general, which are just two examples of segments of the population (and there are the same types of people in EVERY segment of the population), I guess more specifically I mean people who believe they are entitled to something. People who vote only for the person who will give them the most, not who will be best for America. I say poor people and black people only because those are the major groups associated with democrats. Well of course they are. The democrat platform calls for more taxing and more giving and providing. The republicans calls for less taxing and less giving and providing. That is the nature of it, and there are good things and bad about both. Those that feel they are entitled to something will vote democrat because they get something for nothing. Those that believe in socialism tend to vote democrat. Those that believe in republicanism vote republican. We all agree with democracy, or that people should control the government, not the other way around. A republican government differs from a democracy by limiting governmental authority by law. For example, a constitutional republic specifies what authority the government has and the rights of citizens. Socialism is an organizational structure advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and the creation of an egalitarian society, or one where everyone is equal.
So let's decipher this. In a republic (which America is), Government exists to protect its people from other countries with, say, a military, protect its people from other people by laws, and tax accordingly to fund such activities. I believe in this. Socialism (which America is not) is where they Robin Hood you. Take from the rich and give to the poor. Well actually, take from everyone, divvy it up equally, and give it back. Where is the incentive to work harder? Where is the incentive to be more efficient or innovative? The problem we have in this country with so many people and no one voting because as an individual their vote means next to nothing is exasperated. Yes, if everyone collectively works to improve, then everyone benefits, but lets face it, not everyone is a team player. Some people sit back and do little to nothing, mooching off the group. There's one in every group. So in theory, it works wonderfully. In practice, it doesn't work at all. For a little while, people are motivated to work, but then moral gets low and everything stagnates. The government ends up treating people like employees instead of employers. It's not a viable practice. The way it is in America, people stop earning as much money so that they can stay out of the next tax bracket, others do nothing because they know they can get a check every month and don't have to worry about it. The whole idea behind America was the American dream, where by hard work you could make it from nothing to everything in your lifetime. That scenario is occurring less and less because the government, which again, is a democratic republic, and not a socialist government, is overstepping it's bounds, trying to make everyone equal. The founding ideal was that everyone was created equal, and thus started at the exact same place as everyone else, not that everyone was to remain equal. As in people were not born into power, but if you worked harder than the next person you got to be better off. The government is overstepping the boundaries that are imposed upon it by virtue of being a republic and that is where America has gone wrong. Fix this and you fix America. Vote Republican and you are on your way, vote democrat and you only exacerbate the problem.

I hope I pissed a fair number of people off, but I also hope that I made everyone think. Then maybe people can stop being dumb.

1 comment:

Lori said...

A good quote i found after writing this:

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.